Enhance Your Network Management with Assist Field Service (AFS)

Discover the transformative power of Assist Field Service (AFS), a solution that redefines the efficiency of mobile network management. AFS is meticulously designed to empower field technicians  to proactively diagnose and resolve/tackle customer-affecting network issues, streamlining the path to resolution.

Key Features of Assist Field Service (AFS):

  • Proactive Issue Diagnosis: AFS provides technicians with an efficient toolset for early detection and diagnosis of network problems, minimising the impact on customers.
  • Quality Issue Reporting: The system is adept at reporting intricate details concerning Quality of Experience (QoE) and Quality of Service (QoS) indicators, providing deep insight into network conditions.
  • Real-Time Data Analysis: Multiple views of aggregated results enable support teams from different departments, including engineering, operations and customer operations, to effectively analyse and interpret customer experience data.

Benefits of Assist Field Service (AFS):

  • Efficient Issue Resolution: Thanks to AFS, issues are resolved promptly, ensuring that customers enjoy a consistently high-quality network experience.
  • Operational Cost Reduction: AFS’s targeted problem-solving capability leads to a decrease in expenses by reducing the need for multiple site visits and interventions, thus streamlining operations.
  • Informed Real-Time Decision-Making: The solution empowers support areas to make informed, data-driven decisions swiftly, enhancing overall network responsiveness and management efficiency.

 With AFS, operators can confidently manage and improve their networks. AFS’ intelligent analysis and reporting provides a clear roadmap for optimisation, enabling you to implement strategic improvements that are aligned with customer needs and experiences.

 Choose Assist Field Service for a comprehensive, customer-centric approach to mobile network support.  With Assist Field Service  you can take a significant step towards an optimised, customer-pleasing network. Reach out today for a demonstration and see how AFS can refine your network strategy and operations.
