Xperience solution used for appropriate eligibility of Vodafone services for enterprise market

Lisbon – October 29th, 2015
STREAMBOW, a leading provider of quality of experience and service solutions for mobile, home and access networks, today announced that Vodafone Portugal has selected its Xperience solution to help their sales field force teams to know exactly on-site which Vodafone services can they propose to their Enterprise Customers.
Xperience solution supports sales field force teams by pre-testing and identifying network technologies available in the meeting location, contributing for the service eligibility so the sales account can know the best solutions to sell to specific Customers and the appropriate Vodafone services can be selected. Service options can be immediately obtained and proposed to the Customer during the meeting.
With Xperience solution, Vodafone’s sales field force teams can assure the best post-sales service assessment and increase of Customer lifetime value, optimizing the sales process effectiveness and avoiding potential additional costs on infrastructure and solution deployment processes with their Enterprise and SME Customers.
“Xperience solution optimizes the assertiveness of the sales and deployment solutions to our Customers, avoiding potential additional costs and helping our sales accounts proposing the most appropriate services,said José Oliveira, Customer Operations Director, Vodafone Portugal.
About Vodafone Portugal
Vodafone Portugal is part of the world’s leading mobile telecommunications company and has a leadership position in terms of innovation, brand image and customer satisfaction in Portugal. Vodafone Portugal focuses on delivering total communications solutions to its more than 6 million customers.
Visit Vodafone Portugal’s website at www.vodafone.pt.
About Streambow
Streambow is an innovative provider of integrated quality of service (QoS) and quality of experience (QoE) assurance solutions, dedicated to carriers and service providers seeking to improve Customer Experience, Network and Service Performance, of their mission and revenue-critical service offerings. Streambow’s solutions are ideal for all broadband access technologies, such as 3G/4G mobile, xDSL, Wi-Fi, FTTH and Cable.
Smartphone Apps, software clients, web-based agents and hardware probes combine to provide comprehensive end-to-end testing, customer feedback, crowd-sourcing, diagnostics and monitoring, to troubleshoot network problems and assure network service quality parameters from an end customer perspective.
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